Sunday 4 July 2010

keg introduces himself to the locals

Just had a wonderful moment watching the Argentina/Germany game last night. The newly elected local mayor, (who I ended up sitting next to for some reason that was never fully pointed out, they're exceptionally nice people over here though so I'm guessing I was being treated as his personal guest even though I'd never previously even seen him), has erected a big screen to show the World Cup games on. I turned up just before the start and was instantly met with 1,000 people staring at me. Just after settling down and feeling the eyes start to turn away from me one of the guys running it asked if I could unscrew a nearby light (as it was about 8' high) so that they could see the screen better. I got up and, in front of a ridiculous amount of people, I managed to turn the light so hard that it shattered in my hand sending shards of glass showering liberally all over the people directly underneath it. All I could do while everyone else broke into hysterics was to say "job done" (which maybe one or two might have understood) before holding my head in my hands all the way back to my seat. As I walked off at the end of the game all I could hear was laughter and the Indonesian word for "foreigner" ringing out.


Oh, and I also had around 50-100 people come up over the course of the game just to make sure that I hadn't cut my hands. I was planning to go again for the semi's but I might just give it a miss now...


  1. Hello,

    Very funny.

    I'm off to Amsterdam with Richard NOckles for the world cup final. We think the Dutch will be in it. What a disaster if they end up getting tucked by Uraguay! It'll be a Murray - Djorkevic Final all over again...

    Sounds like you're having a brilliant, bizzare and funny time out there. I'm looking forward to the book. (Which you must write.)

    When are you back? September? Come back soon, getting bored of playing tuckage against the wall.
    Come on Norwich.


  2. I hope they do win it, mostly because I bet on them before the tournament began and would therefore get to be unbearably smug. Having said that you've just jinxed them horribly so i might have to lay it off now. Git.

    Back on the 1st of September so long as I don't kill myself doing any of the trips I've got planned. Having said that getting tucked by komodo's would be a pretty awesome way to go.

    As for the book I think my writing skills are somewhere between shit and retarded on the ability scale so it's unlikely to come into fruition. I can however email you a couple of spectacularly racist jokes for Edinburgh if you want?

    Just heard we've signed Ruddy from Everton, nice to finally have that position sorted out. Now for a striker and a right back...

    Oh and I'm glad to hear you're practicing tuckage by the way. I think at this point I should reveal the true nature of my trip. You see I've been secretly visiting all the ancient tuckers who were washed up on the south seas centuries ago. Although old and dead they have still passed on some unstoppable techniques which will leave you pounding the floor in rage whilst I score goal after goal into your unguarded net (door).

    Good luck...

