Wednesday 24 March 2010


I think the pore part is a misspelling of poor as this place is ridiculously expensive. Thankfully everyone else seems to be well paid and generous so my outlay is acceptable. Also thank god for expenses...

I came here for a 2 day mining conference which was huge amounts of fun and I can categorically say that at no stage was I bored enough to walk round the event taking every single freebie on offer. These were:

13 packets of mints
1 yoyo
1 laser pointer come flash drive
3 other flash drives
a baseball hat
17 pens
2 wind up torches
2 golf balls
Some tea

and the piece de resistance...

a keyboard cleaner

Naturally enough I gave the baseball hat, pens (all bar 2), yoyo and ten packets of mints to my taxi driver as a present. For some reason she seemed confused but after a couple of minutes (I think once she'd work out that I was also going to pay with money) she accepted them graciously enough.

I'm currently staying with Maz and Paddy and have been taking today slowly while last night wears off. I like to think that when someone ordered 6 escorts to our table at the club I dealt with it in a particularly smooth way. That is to say I said "one moment" to the dubious girl now sitting to my right and scampered off quickly to another part of the club where they were showing a replay of Bolton vs Everton. I'm clearly destined to be the next James Bond.

Now I've got some time to kill until I got to Hong Kong for another show on the 29th so decided to get a flight to Cambodia tomorrow morning which gets back to Singapore on Saturday. I'm not 100% on what I'll be doing/ where I'll be staying so it should be fun. All I know is that I want to see Angkor Wat. Also I got a new camera today so will be updating with pictures when I get back. I will also be not spending much when I get back to Sumatra as I'm now feeling distinctly poorer...


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